Claude Monet, the great French Impressionist painter who created and painted among his magnificent garden at Giverny, once said, “I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.”
I’m not sure I would say it is only flowers that moved me to start painting, but flowers and…clouds, flowers and…vegetables and fruits, flowers and…the shapes of their stems and leaves and seedpods, or the vases they inhabit inside the house.
Here’s a bunch of flowers that I brought home from the farmers market in September. I was inspired to paint them in celebration of the news that a dear friend and former neighbor would be returning to the neighborhood, just down the street from us!
Here they are in one of my favorites vases. Some of you will recognize the hand-painted ceramic pattern from Quimper, France. Somehow it always seems to work well with whatever flowers I put in it.
Speaking of always and flowers, Monet also once said, “I must have flowers, always, and always.”
I thought that was a Quimper pitcher. Beautiful on its own and even better with the flowers.
Thanks for your comment! Right now the same pitcher has peonies and other June flowers in it.